Bake Food Travel

Bake Food Travel

Saturday 6 June 2015


由于喜欢接触不同的人,听不同的故事,了解不同人物的心声,从中学习我到此还来不及上的课,我从念书的时候就选择做和服务业相关的兼职工作。我发现对于服务业,有许多误解和既定印象。有朋友,顾客都会问,你念初级学院,你在南大念书,为什么不做data entry或office work,简简单单的赚打工钱就好了。其实,服务业是一门深奥的学问,深奥到并非书上可学,也将我训练得更有耐心,更人性化。老实说,我也曾做office work当假期工,结果每天对着死板板的电脑,听着同样对老板的是非和抱怨,久了真的觉得很闷,人也变得机械化(和电脑融为一体),感觉就是少了一点人性。甚至也有朋友认为如果孩子学历不错,一定不让他从事服务业,毕竟(确实)是一份不简单的工作。但我认为,良好的沟通,建立广大的社交网络都是许多成功人士,企业家不能缺少的技能。如果可以掌握,就算和职业看起来没有直接关系,也会有间接帮助,也能学习体会更多人事物,变得更人性化,更懂得珍惜对自己好的人。(因为原来对自己好真的不是必然的事)。所以也不排斥孩子去体验,就算有兴趣继续,带着会努力做好的态度,总比做着别人既定印象(stereotype)中认为不错的行业,却夜夜加班,对工作抱怨连连来得好。所以,对工作的兴趣和热情还是最重要的。



1. 怎么样都错型:

Cabin Crew: 'Good Morning Sir!'
Passenger: What's so good about this morning? Stop saying that to me!!

Consultant: Hi Mr X, just to keep you updated that your plan has been accepted on standard term. I will inform you once its incepted and pass you the policy document soon :)
Mr X: What do you mean by accepted on standard term? Do I look substandard to you?!

2. 精明省钱型:

Customer: Will it be cheaper if I buy two?
Boss: Yes mdm! I can give you 5% discount if you buy two.
Customer: Great, so if I buy 4, you can give me 10% discount?
Boss: Erm...
Customer: Okay, I give you discount. 8% ?

Customer: Why I buy there got free gift, here don't have??
Boss: Its different Mdm. You have been patronizing my shop. You know the quality is different.
Customer: Looks the same to me. I don't care. You don't give me free gift I don't buy from you.

(老实说。。。。。。有时候出国购物我也有杀价的倾向 *shy* /blush 但是是微笑着杀价哦。不是凶神恶煞哦!哈哈。希望可以减轻罪恶感,为了省钱,希望老板不要太在意啦 :P)


Customer: What's the difference between A and B? How about A and C. How about A and D. How about A,B,C,D,E,F,G? (曾经真的有顾客影印了7个不同公司的同一类计划,让我一一比较,划出差别。约了好多好多次,最后她还是非常苦恼,说还需要多一点时间决定。目前还在决定中)

Customer: Can you take this shoes for me? This, This, That and That.

Customer: Can you get this clothes for me? This, This, That and That.

是的,在Carlo Rino鞋店打工,和百货公司打工的时候,就有好多选择恐惧症的顾客。关键的最后一秒总是整个人缩起来,陷入沉思,而结果往往是留了一堆我需要整理的鞋子和衣服,选择不做选择。


Patient: Nurse! Can you tell me why my medicine so expensive?!
Nurse: Sorry, I am not in control of this
Patient: What not in control? You work for this hospital right? You don't know why so expensive?
             So expensive next time I don't come for check up le. Atrocious ah. You guys are doctors or
             businessman? $@%@$)%#)$_

一次,我因为食物中毒而需送院。在办理出院的时候,看到这个病人追着柜台处理账单的护士一直骂,一直质问。老实说,我真的觉得护士也太幸苦了!工作已经很累了,却还要面对这样明明自己无法控制的指控。 自己也曾遇到顾客把气出在自己身上,抱怨的对象却是自己看也没看过的同事!!!

5. 别人的时间和自己的时间不一样型

Customer: Can I book my manicure appointment this Tuesday 1pm?
Retail: Okay. noted.

On Tuesday 1255pm,
Customer: So sorry!!! I am still in a meeting. You must do for me okay. My colours are coming off already. 130pm. 130pm I will be there.

On Tuesday 120pm,
Customer: Hey, so sorry ah! I am still in a meeting. 230pm I can reach.
Retail: Sorry, 230pm we are fully booked.
Customer: I have a important dinner tonight you know!!!! I don't care. 230pm you must do for me.

Customer: I will be earlier today. Around 6pm at Clementi is good.
Consultant: Hi, I will reach earlier to help get seats for us :) See you 6pm :)

At 6pm,

Customer: I will be late. Am still doing some research. 630pm I can reach.
Consultant: Oh okay :)

At 630pm,

Customer: Hey, can we change the location to Boon Lay? I am still at work. Can reach around 715pm.

At 650pm,

Customer: How about next Wednesday then?


"I pay Money! You listen to me!"

还频频辱骂司机'idiot'。最后司机的女儿诉说了自己看到父亲被欺负的气愤和难过,我深有感触。的确,无论是谁,都是有父母养,或是抚养儿女的伟大父母。父亲幸苦的工作,让女儿可以上学,安全地把乘客 送到目的地,还遭辱骂,做女儿的一定很心疼。如果你的孩子或父母遭到这样的对待呢。不要不相信Karma。


#Attitudespeaksclass #regardlessofyoureducationlevelnoryourannualincome




Customer: Can you help me try this for my girl friend?
Retail: Oh okay....
Customer did a 'ultra scan' of the retail girl with his eyes, "you have great figure"...

Customer: Can you meet me at my place?
Consultant: Sir, I do not think its a good idea. How about meeting at the void deck to pass you your document.
Customer: I do not want my neighbours to know what I bought.
Consultant: Alright, I will just drop by a minute to pass you.

At the door, Customer opens the door without a top, and towel covering his lower body.
Consultant passed the document through the door grill and quickly left the place.


Customer: That day your colleague told me there is this function for this machine. Why I cannot find it now.
Retail checked with colleague: Sorry, my colleague did not mention that.
Customer: I confirm she did. I do not care, I want a full refund!
Retail: Mdm, you have used this machine already, and it has been way beyond the refund period.
Customer: Your colleague told me there is!! She cheated me to buy!
Retail (Show her to other colleagues) : Mdm, which colleague you referring to?
Customer: I think is her.
Retail: She is new mdm. She just join us last week :)






Client's souvenir for me from Taiwan!
Client and her sister handmade Xmas gifts for me!

P.S: 明天又将和一位可爱的小小天使庆生 :) 感谢天使的比例目前比较高!
以上纯属个人意见,作为参考。只是希望大家在生活中也注意自己作为顾客的角色。无论是上计程车,买菜,购物,若带着不满恶意,就会有compounded的不满回送。带着微笑,也会有compounded的微笑欢乐回送! :)


Thursday 28 May 2015

Best Char Siew in Singapore

星期三的中午,艳阳高照,懒得出外吃午餐。(其实新加坡每天都艳阳高照lah。haha)。多亏Mr J Jio我一块吃午餐,让我吃到了新加坡最好吃的叉烧!!再热的天,也愿意去品尝这好味道!

Tiong Bahru 熟食中心可说是卧虎藏龙,超多美食的。而在二楼,远远地就看到了这排长龙的云吞面。




云吞面呢则有$3/$4的选择。这样的用心,价钱超合理划算的吧!我是一个不太吃黄面的人。可以说能不吃就不吃,因为黄面有一个碱味(dietary alkali),所以不爱吃。但这摊的面却意外的没有碱味,面条也Q弹。重点是配上他们的叉烧,我也愿意给这黄面一试。

Tiong Bahru的朋友真的超幸福的。哈哈。吃货的我,美食=幸福。说好的减肥就再说了。:P


Tiong Bahru Market #02-30

Tuesday 26 May 2015

ABC Cooking Studio - Ham Mayonnaise Bread & Cinnamon Roll

/hihi Finally, the trial lesson with ABC cooking studio is here! /wahaha I have been looking forward to learn at this cooking studio as they are really big in Japan with 134 studios running and 14 studios in Asia. Really love how meticulous and professional the Japanese are in food making, hence I signed up the lesson without much hesitation. In fact, the trial class is only $35!! So I thought why not? For Trial Class, there are 3 choices of bread, chocolate ganache cake or hamburger steak with rice. I chose bread because Mr J likes savoury food more (compared to chocolate cake) and the hamburger steak is advisable to be consumed right after the lesson (no tabao).

ABC studio
There is a locker to put our stuffs, so that the studio remains clean and neat for baking. The class size is rather small, usually 3 or 4 students to 1 trainer. At times, if you are the only one that signed up for that particular time slot, you may even be taught one to one by the trainer. Our trainer for the day is Thina! He is very encouraging and is not pushy in selling us their baking & cooking packages.

All the ingredients are weighed and place nicely on the table before we start hands on. It is a thoughtful move so that we can spend more time on the baking rather than weighing and looking for ingredients. It is also more organized and easier for newbie to start on their baking experience :)

The recipe has picture illustration and is very clear and easy to follow. First step is of cause, mixing the bread flour, sugar and yeast and proofing the dough in a bowl. As the yeast needs heat to 'grow', warm water is used. We were also taught to sieve the egg before use. It is said to help smoothen the texture of the dough. I had fun kneading the dough. Its kindda therapeutic and stress relieving for me. Haha. The dough is then placed in a bread proofer for 30 minutes and Tadah! It becomes like a Big Bao.

We then rolled out the dough and placed ham, cinnamon sugar, almond flakes, parsley, raisins soaked in rum or whatever ingredients you wished.

Ham and Cinnamon Roll
Put it in the oven at 200 degree celsius.

 And its done!!!!!! :D

Verdict: Well.. I guess....any bread that just come out from the oven is nice!!!! lolss~/wahaha And I actually love the idea of putting parsley on top of the ham bread. I guess sprinkling some grated parmensan cheese will be great too! However, the bread actually harden later in the night and it gets really Teng Kok Kok (hard) the next day. According to the trainer, most commercial bread seller actually put bread softener to help retain the fluffiness of the bread. I goggled on this bread softener and found out that it usually contains ammonium chloride, which decreases the acidity of urine and should be avoided by people with liver or kidney problems. It usually contain Amylase enzymes to help fasten the bread making process, making it more practical for commercial use. However, they increased the risk of occupational asthma and over consumption is of cause less healthy compared to bread without all these additives. Hence, when your bread or cake stays soft for days, you may want to be aware that many chemicals may be added to preserve your bread or cake this long. This also explain why the seemingly same cake is sold at very different pricing in cafes, bakery, and supermarkets.

Overall, the experience is good because the class size is small and we can just keep shooting questions at the trainer. The clean and spacious environment makes it really relaxing to work at (compared to cramping myself up in my home kitchen). In case you are wondering like I did, the ingredients are not from Japan!!! :( I am hoping they sell Japanese ingredients here too. Somehow, the bread/cake from Japan just taste different. And I believe their ingredients really play a part. Most of the trainers are not from Japan too. They have different baking backgrounds like being pastry chefs in different cafes before. They are however trained and certified before they could teach. It does not really matters to me as long as they are well trained to help. :)

I took up a 6 cake baking courses with them at $450, and thus make me a ABC member. I have to complete the 6 lessons in 8months which I can make it a monthly 2 hours affair to relieve myself from work and doing something I enjoyed :) Thina told us there will be trial lessons on and off every months and if referred by a ABC member (like me), the trial lesson will be $28 instead! If you sign up a package like me, both the member (me), and the referral gets a free lesson too. If you do not have friends who are member, and would like to try out their trial class, do feel free to quote my membership number, 6500001383. :)

You could visit them at ABC cooking studio, Takashimaya, #03-12/12A.

Have Fun! :)

Tuesday 12 May 2015

TOTT - Sponges and Swiss Rolls

/hihi Yup! I have registered for yet another class, and this time its at ToTT! I also gotten myself a free apron. When the teacher told us we could keep the apron, I was like "Really??" with a big wide smile. Gosh, I am getting aunty-ish. Can't help smiling whenever something is free /blush

My Free Apron

I have signed up for this Sponge and Swiss Rolls class as they promised to provide recipe for:
1) Chocolate Fudge Cake
2) Pandan Cream Cheese Roll
3) Strawberry Hokkaido Milky Roll
4) Bonus Recipe, Kaya Chiffon Cake

The words, "Pandan", "Hokkaido", "Kaya", "Fudge", caught my attention and so I clicked and signed up. Lols. I am in a Pandan craze recently and who can reject the word, "Hokkaido"! And so I really was excited for the class.

Course Outline and Recipes

The teacher is Chef Julie Yee and she has even published a cookbook, 'Peranankan Snacks & Desserts", available in bookstores now. She was very confident when she speaks and was very organized. It was a 3 hours class so she needs to be very clear of all the procedures in order to teach fast and make sure everyone finished at least 3 recipes on time. Honestly, I feel she was more experienced as a teacher compared to the previous one for my liu sha bao class.

Actually,I bought recipe books, read online and tried different recipes at home. But I feel there is still a need to learn from all these experienced chefs for useful tips as well as how to improve your cake. There are many things which recipe books will not state and there are difficulties faced during the baking process which there is no FAQ from the books. Hence, going for a few lessons while you learn your own will definitely help to improve your baking knowledge and skills. (Lol, I speak like I am pro already thou I am not. /blush But I do learn some useful tips through all these lessons and I am happy to make new friends too :) )

And so, I shall share some baking tips that Chef Julie taught:

Chocolate Fudge Cake

1) We started off making chocolate fudge cake. Its easier for the oil to blend into the mixture if its warm. So do warm up your oil or butter for your cake mixture.
2) Also, corn syrup helps to make the cake more moist, and could be replaced with honey or glucose + water.
3) Cream of tartar is usually added to your egg white meringue to stabilize the meringue and the acidity could be replaced with a more natural ingredient, lemon juice.
4) When the recipe says put cake in the middle of the oven, it means that when the cake rise up, the top of the cake should be at the middle of the oven. Hence, its advisable to put your cake at the lower rack to bake and not at the middle rack.
5) If the baking temperature is 180 Degree Celsius, its best to preheat the oven slightly higher (200 Degree Celsius)
6) For the fudge, it requires gelatin. Always measure your water first, before putting in the gelatin powder, so that the gelatin can dissolves (rather than the other way round, putting gelatin first and add water to it)
7) For melting of chocolate couverture, be careful not to overcook the chocolate as chocolate will dissolves at just 45 Degree Celsius.

The Chocolate Sponge Cake w/o the fudge

Due to time constraint, we did not manage to do the fudge ourselves. And the teacher did a demo instead. We were then given some fudge to place on our cakes. However, as the cakes need to be cooled down, we were left with little time. So we just put a little and everyone rushed off. I feel that the teacher was very efficient already to finished 3 items with us. But I guessed its probably too packed and some were rather disappointed that the cake could not be decorated nicely before they head home. The teacher said that the class is to provide a basic teaching of sponge cakes. But I guess it will be good to place some attention on the decoration too. Even simple ones but at least the cake looks presentable for all to present (Haolian) to their loved ones :D haha

Verdict: The sponge cake is indeed more moist and fluffy due to the corn syrup as well as the warm oil. I tried making sponge cake at home a few times without corn syrup nor heating up the oil, and there is indeed differences in the texture. Of cause, other factors may play a part too. Like getting a better oven! Oven really play a big big part in baking. Personally, I thought the sponge is rather yummy, just that it needs some deco. :)

Swiss Rolls

For Swiss Rolls, the tips is rather similar, placing emphasis on the heating up of oil and making sure the whisk is super clean for beating the egg whites. I tend to bang my baking trays a few times against the table before sending them to the oven. The teacher says its not advisable to do so. Simply use the chop sticks to stir through to rid off the air bubbles instead of banging them against the table several times.

Pandan Swiss Roll before Rolled

Strawberry Swiss Roll before Rolled

The fillings of the Pandan Swiss Roll, cream cheese, tasted so-so, as the class emphasized more on the cake sponges instead of the fillings. Personally, I prefer the Strawberry Swiss Roll better. Although its not as good as the ones you would have in Japan, the texture is fluffy enough to woah your guests :) They used strawberry syrup for the Swiss Rolls, which Japan probably used the real fruits for it or jam, hence the difference. Hokkaido milk also taste creamier and more fragrant. So choice of ingredients play a big part too. Of cause, for class teaching, few will be so generous to provide you with these expensive ingredients. Speak about Japan strawberries, I saw white strawberries airflown from Japan selling $128 at Isetan now!!! /omg Omg! I do not have the luxury to try it though. I am soooo curious how it taste to be priced at $128! Really 好奇。。。。 /hmm Anyone tried before???

My Swiss Roll Rolled. lols

I paid $106 for DBS cardholder. For Non member, its $118. For club21 member, there is 15% if minimum 2 signed up for the class. I heard from my partner that her class was free because her daughter bought stuffs from ToTT, and above a certain limit, they would provide free classes too. Oh ya, my partner looks like she is in her 40s, with no wrinkles, but she was actually in her 50s and her daughter is already 28 years old! I like going to different class as I get to talk to many ladies from different background having the same passion as me :) I am inspired to be a wrinkle free, natural looking still lady in my 50s too!

Anyway, am really upset that there is no time for Pandan Kaya Chiffon Cake. Will try it out at home instead and update my 成果 here.

Recently, I am in love with Cedele Gula Melaka Pandan Kaya Cake!!!

Its fluffy, with a hint of Gula Melaka, and fragrance from the coconut milk and flakes. I am so gonna eat it soon. If only I could bake this!!!

Anyway, I will be attending a lesson at a new baking studio next week, taught by a Japanese teacher!!

Excited /XD Stay tuned for the update!

Lastly, just wanna haolian my beautiful nails done by Glamourous Factory, at Plaza Singapura, #04-38.

Somewhere Over the Rainbow Nails
Happy Girl Lady Signed off,


Saturday 9 May 2015

Kin Kin Chilli Ban Mian

There has been a lot of raves about this Kin Kin Pan Mee from KL previously. But the queue has die down! 新加坡人的一贯作风。haha. 一下子排pan mee, 一下子nam nam, 一下子llao llao, 一下子dazzling, 就看谁的queue可以最持久,锁住我们难满足的胃。But no queue does not mean no good, we came by food which we queued for hours but wonder why do we even started q-ing. Hence, I am glad I can eat this ban mian without the long queue!:D

辣椒是他们的signature! Especially for people who cannot take too spicy food like me, their Chilli is not chocking or unbearable, but fragrant. You could of cause add more if you want it to be more spicy :) I like the idea of the half boiled egg. The egg yolk oozes out, making each mouthful more smooth and flavorful. (蛋黄包袱着面条,让面条更滑顺,也更有滋味。) :p

Fishball and Bean sheet/with meatballs soup
As for the fishball soup, it does not taste fantastic. In fact, I find the fishball abit Chao Chou /dignose (fishy 鱼腥味). 

Above is the menu! The ban mian I usually order is no1. Fairly priced at $5. The place is air conditioned so I thought $5 is rather reasonable! The soup is $4. Would love to try the authentic ones at KL if there is chance but meanwhile, I will make do with this Ban Mian at:

534 Macpherson Road 
Singapore 368220

#Random I realized emoticons can only be viewed on Ipad or laptop. wonder how to get it fixed on the phone too /sweat

Friday 8 May 2015

The Baking Loft - Liu Sha Bao

I love eating Liu Sha Bao (who doesn't right) and so, I did not hesitant to sign up for this Liu Sha Bao hands on lesson by The Baking Loft.

It was my first time to The Baking Loft and I thought its located at The Central. Do note that they are actually located at this building besides The Central, and besides Swissotel too.

The Baking Loft Classroom
The Baking Loft Classroom
I love the concept of this 'classroom'. It looks more like a cosy, one room apartment. Students can sit at the sofa of the living area while waiting for the class to commence.

The Baking Loft seems like a new start up as the person in charge (or probably the owner) and the teacher looks abit lost, preparing the class past 1pm (the supposedly start time). By 1pm, they were still asking where were ingredients placed and busy preparing for the class. The class started around 15 mins late, and yup, Liu Sha Bao baking time START!

Egg yolks
I believe it is not nice to reveal their recipe due to copyright issue, especially people is starting up a business (and we know it isn't easy). Also, I paid for the recipe so its like lending your classmates to copy your homework for submission. Hope people don't find me gei gao. /please But for own recipe (after I am really good at mastering and coming up with my own), I may share :) Don't know when will that day comes /wahaha but it will surely come if I keep practicing I believe. So, I will share the tips that the teacher said rather than the recipe. haha. And the purpose of this blog is actually to keep a record for myself as well as to share the 'classroom' experiences with different baking studios.

Anyway, for egg yolks, its best to use the red salted egg yolks. (Can be found at market)

Frozen Egg yolks
Freeze the salted egg yolks after it is mixed with other ingredients such as condensed milk, vanilla extract, butter, corn flour, coconut milk, icing sugar and yellow colouring for that nice orangey look. Take out the frozen egg yolks mixture, scoop it into small little balls and place the fillings into your bao dough and seal the fillings. When the Bao is cooked and cut into half, your salted egg yolk will then ooze out like this:

Liu Sha Bao
The teacher of cause taught us the bao making procedure too and it was rather tedious. >< As it involves yeast, it is best to prepare the dough one day in advance if you are thinking of serving your guests the next day.

During the lesson, students are worried because there is no stick pad to label our work throughout. Many times, we have to monitor where is our own bao placed, where is our own salted eggs and dough placed. It was quite messy as some try to identify their work and some are of cause worried their work is mistakenly taken by others. I am sure everyone wants to bring their own work and present it to their own loved ones. Hence, the labeling of work by each individual is really important. However, they seemed new and lost in identifying our work for us.

I baked this

The owner, Samantha (I guessed) gave out boxes and stickers that wrote (I baked this!) for us to take picture and to take home our work. Its an extra effort I would say! She looked touched when the class ended and sincerely asked us for our feedback. She looked really sincere and determined in improving the class, so despite all the hiccups, I believed their next lessons (with different teachers) will be better. The teacher, Pauline, seems a bit unorganized in her presentation but according to her own blog, she was apparently a very experienced baker. It could be she is new to the baking studio and I guess teaching and baking are still two very different professions.

Verdict of the Bao : 

The Bao dough is rather dense and hard, but the salted egg yolk taste fine :) I believe there is better Liu Sha Bao recipe out there, so ya, will definitely go for more lessons and try out myself in search for my ideal liu sha bao. 

Anyway, I saw this drawing at the studio, and I totally love it!

Nice drawing!
Its really an impressive drawing when you see it for yourself. It is very detailed. The artist painted the fur stroke by stroke, and the pig looks so fluffy to touch!! I cannot resist taking picture of it. The owner, Samantha told me she bid this drawing on Ebay for around 3K. It is a work by an Indonesian artist. I hope someone could tell me whats the name of this artist!! I will be very interested to know! She told me she bought Coplu painting few years ago at around 3K too. And Coplu painting could easily cost more than 10k now. Seems like a good investment! haha :D If only I have a big living room to put this painting! (not even asking for Mr J approval :P because he will be convinced /wahaha)

The Baking Loft



Baros (Maldives) 的最后一天,我们乘船到一个Private sandbank吃晚餐!

(PS: This dinner cost about USD1000 /sweat . For that once in a lifetime experience。 How often do you eat at a private 沙洲 ya. #tryingtoanweiourselves )

Private sand bank



幸亏,阵阵的大风将乌云赶走,像是听到我默默的许愿声,乌云渐渐离我们而去。由于风实在太大了,我披着服务生给我的毛巾,在这样浪漫的场景,却看似狼狈的吃着晚餐。Mr J变得好静。我想应该也是被风刮得不想说话之类的。突然,他说想给我一个惊喜,从服务生那拿出了一束玫瑰花。我人生还是第一次收到那么大束的花。因为觉得花会枯萎,有些浪费,所以从来没有要求男生送花。虽然如此,第一次收到那么一大束花,还是露出了少女惊喜感激的神情。“怎么会买花呢”,但嘴角却上扬着。





A Promise



