Bake Food Travel

Bake Food Travel

Saturday 6 June 2015


由于喜欢接触不同的人,听不同的故事,了解不同人物的心声,从中学习我到此还来不及上的课,我从念书的时候就选择做和服务业相关的兼职工作。我发现对于服务业,有许多误解和既定印象。有朋友,顾客都会问,你念初级学院,你在南大念书,为什么不做data entry或office work,简简单单的赚打工钱就好了。其实,服务业是一门深奥的学问,深奥到并非书上可学,也将我训练得更有耐心,更人性化。老实说,我也曾做office work当假期工,结果每天对着死板板的电脑,听着同样对老板的是非和抱怨,久了真的觉得很闷,人也变得机械化(和电脑融为一体),感觉就是少了一点人性。甚至也有朋友认为如果孩子学历不错,一定不让他从事服务业,毕竟(确实)是一份不简单的工作。但我认为,良好的沟通,建立广大的社交网络都是许多成功人士,企业家不能缺少的技能。如果可以掌握,就算和职业看起来没有直接关系,也会有间接帮助,也能学习体会更多人事物,变得更人性化,更懂得珍惜对自己好的人。(因为原来对自己好真的不是必然的事)。所以也不排斥孩子去体验,就算有兴趣继续,带着会努力做好的态度,总比做着别人既定印象(stereotype)中认为不错的行业,却夜夜加班,对工作抱怨连连来得好。所以,对工作的兴趣和热情还是最重要的。



1. 怎么样都错型:

Cabin Crew: 'Good Morning Sir!'
Passenger: What's so good about this morning? Stop saying that to me!!

Consultant: Hi Mr X, just to keep you updated that your plan has been accepted on standard term. I will inform you once its incepted and pass you the policy document soon :)
Mr X: What do you mean by accepted on standard term? Do I look substandard to you?!

2. 精明省钱型:

Customer: Will it be cheaper if I buy two?
Boss: Yes mdm! I can give you 5% discount if you buy two.
Customer: Great, so if I buy 4, you can give me 10% discount?
Boss: Erm...
Customer: Okay, I give you discount. 8% ?

Customer: Why I buy there got free gift, here don't have??
Boss: Its different Mdm. You have been patronizing my shop. You know the quality is different.
Customer: Looks the same to me. I don't care. You don't give me free gift I don't buy from you.

(老实说。。。。。。有时候出国购物我也有杀价的倾向 *shy* /blush 但是是微笑着杀价哦。不是凶神恶煞哦!哈哈。希望可以减轻罪恶感,为了省钱,希望老板不要太在意啦 :P)


Customer: What's the difference between A and B? How about A and C. How about A and D. How about A,B,C,D,E,F,G? (曾经真的有顾客影印了7个不同公司的同一类计划,让我一一比较,划出差别。约了好多好多次,最后她还是非常苦恼,说还需要多一点时间决定。目前还在决定中)

Customer: Can you take this shoes for me? This, This, That and That.

Customer: Can you get this clothes for me? This, This, That and That.

是的,在Carlo Rino鞋店打工,和百货公司打工的时候,就有好多选择恐惧症的顾客。关键的最后一秒总是整个人缩起来,陷入沉思,而结果往往是留了一堆我需要整理的鞋子和衣服,选择不做选择。


Patient: Nurse! Can you tell me why my medicine so expensive?!
Nurse: Sorry, I am not in control of this
Patient: What not in control? You work for this hospital right? You don't know why so expensive?
             So expensive next time I don't come for check up le. Atrocious ah. You guys are doctors or
             businessman? $@%@$)%#)$_

一次,我因为食物中毒而需送院。在办理出院的时候,看到这个病人追着柜台处理账单的护士一直骂,一直质问。老实说,我真的觉得护士也太幸苦了!工作已经很累了,却还要面对这样明明自己无法控制的指控。 自己也曾遇到顾客把气出在自己身上,抱怨的对象却是自己看也没看过的同事!!!

5. 别人的时间和自己的时间不一样型

Customer: Can I book my manicure appointment this Tuesday 1pm?
Retail: Okay. noted.

On Tuesday 1255pm,
Customer: So sorry!!! I am still in a meeting. You must do for me okay. My colours are coming off already. 130pm. 130pm I will be there.

On Tuesday 120pm,
Customer: Hey, so sorry ah! I am still in a meeting. 230pm I can reach.
Retail: Sorry, 230pm we are fully booked.
Customer: I have a important dinner tonight you know!!!! I don't care. 230pm you must do for me.

Customer: I will be earlier today. Around 6pm at Clementi is good.
Consultant: Hi, I will reach earlier to help get seats for us :) See you 6pm :)

At 6pm,

Customer: I will be late. Am still doing some research. 630pm I can reach.
Consultant: Oh okay :)

At 630pm,

Customer: Hey, can we change the location to Boon Lay? I am still at work. Can reach around 715pm.

At 650pm,

Customer: How about next Wednesday then?


"I pay Money! You listen to me!"

还频频辱骂司机'idiot'。最后司机的女儿诉说了自己看到父亲被欺负的气愤和难过,我深有感触。的确,无论是谁,都是有父母养,或是抚养儿女的伟大父母。父亲幸苦的工作,让女儿可以上学,安全地把乘客 送到目的地,还遭辱骂,做女儿的一定很心疼。如果你的孩子或父母遭到这样的对待呢。不要不相信Karma。


#Attitudespeaksclass #regardlessofyoureducationlevelnoryourannualincome




Customer: Can you help me try this for my girl friend?
Retail: Oh okay....
Customer did a 'ultra scan' of the retail girl with his eyes, "you have great figure"...

Customer: Can you meet me at my place?
Consultant: Sir, I do not think its a good idea. How about meeting at the void deck to pass you your document.
Customer: I do not want my neighbours to know what I bought.
Consultant: Alright, I will just drop by a minute to pass you.

At the door, Customer opens the door without a top, and towel covering his lower body.
Consultant passed the document through the door grill and quickly left the place.


Customer: That day your colleague told me there is this function for this machine. Why I cannot find it now.
Retail checked with colleague: Sorry, my colleague did not mention that.
Customer: I confirm she did. I do not care, I want a full refund!
Retail: Mdm, you have used this machine already, and it has been way beyond the refund period.
Customer: Your colleague told me there is!! She cheated me to buy!
Retail (Show her to other colleagues) : Mdm, which colleague you referring to?
Customer: I think is her.
Retail: She is new mdm. She just join us last week :)






Client's souvenir for me from Taiwan!
Client and her sister handmade Xmas gifts for me!

P.S: 明天又将和一位可爱的小小天使庆生 :) 感谢天使的比例目前比较高!
以上纯属个人意见,作为参考。只是希望大家在生活中也注意自己作为顾客的角色。无论是上计程车,买菜,购物,若带着不满恶意,就会有compounded的不满回送。带着微笑,也会有compounded的微笑欢乐回送! :)


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